…And the Greatest Part of Harvest School 21 Was…

17 Jan

My feet are now planted back on American (frozen) soil of Minnesota/Wisconsin as of December 28th! It has felt like such a whirlwind looking back on the indescribable 3-month journey into knowing more of the heart of God. But just as one season ends, so the next will begin!

Pemba, Mozambique was the last leg of the Harvest School journey, and I was there for 4 weeks. It is a very special place, which I am certain I could write a couple blogs on in itself (so keep your eyes peeled for a blog solely set aside for Pemba). India, which was the 3-week extended outreach with IRIS Global, is a whole other realm of amazing to discuss too, so I will write specifically for that sometime soon.

Out of my heart flows the well-springs of life, says proverbs 4:23. I must say that through this Harvest School missionary training, I have literally felt life pouring out from my heart and spilling out all over the places I ventured with my 200 other brothers and sisters from 30 different nations. There were new levels of freedom and healing experienced, and joy unspeakable would erupt as a result! This verse rang true through these past 3 months: “You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Praise You, Jesus!

Before I left, a friend of mine shared a word with me, that when I go the Lord will show me pockets of treasures—things that He wants to reveal to me—that I’ll keep in a box and bring back with me. I have found that to be very true! This week was a hideaway week, and as I sat down with the Lord, He began to show me all the things that He taught me; whether through the speakers, my fellow harvest schoolers, the nationals in each country, the environments we lived in and how we lived, or my favorite-directly from the Lord Himself. Thank You, Jesus, all glory to You!

Though there are many things I could choose to write on, I feel to express my heart’s most treasured times with you, and it’s very simple: intimacy with Jesus, with God the Father, and with God the Holy Spirit. You see, He is the One who is worthy of all our adoration and affection; He is the author of life, the Creator of the Universe, the Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, and Almighty God. And He has a burning desire to have intimacy with His beloved Bride and lavish His jealous love over us. Incredible. He is both Father and Bridegroom. He is both protector, provider, and also the romancer of our hearts. He is all for us; He is truly all we need. He met me in South Africa and Mozambique in a place of dire need; a time of emptying of myself more and more, in order that He might be seen more than I.

In class or on my back porch, in my tent, or at the beach, Jesus poured out His love on me more than I’ve ever known or experienced, it was then when everything within me would cry, “YES!” Yes to all You want to do in my life. Yes to wherever You want me to go, yes to doing the hard things, yes to learning, yes to stepping out in faith even when you might look silly, yes to Your timing in every area of my life, yes to the unknown, yes, yes, yes, Jesus! And it’s still crying the same thing, even when my flesh is against it (and Lord knows I don’t do it perfectly)! Because He first loved us, we love Him. It can’t be the other way. He reached out first, He bled and died and rose again for us, and in turn we get to say “Yes. My life is Yours, have Your way.” The greatest part of it all is that there’s always more of Jesus. His love doesn’t change, but we’ll never stop getting to know more of His love and His heart for all eternity. Why not start here and now? Day and night the harvest school’s heart’s cry in worship and prayer was “We want more of You Jesus, take us deeper, give us more hunger for You!” Jeremiah 29:13 says “You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart.” This is the place of intimacy, seeking Him with all our hearts. It is out of intimacy, out of that abiding relationship with the Lord that loving others will naturally flow, and by loving others, I mean ministering; missions. Missions is all about love!

So now I say “Yes” to the new season before me, the path that He had laid out before the foundations of the earth that I should walk in it. What that looks like, I don’t fully know, but I know He is the Master Planner, and I won’t need any backup plans, as long as I trust Him and follow His lead. I do know however, that this is NOT the end for missions—I believe in His time, full time missions in the countries He selects is where I will be. Excited! For the time being, the call still doesn’t end to love those Jesus puts in front of me, whether here at home, or in North Dakota, which is where I am headed next month! I am so excited to continue pursuing the relationship God put in my life about 8 months ago with a man of God, Mark, who loves the Lord with all his heart, and desires to pursue missions as well! A HUGE thank You Jesus, again! And a big thank you to all of you who have supported me through prayers, words of encouragement, and financially. The adventures in missions just keep getting better, and I know that this wouldn’t have worked without you.  Stay tuned for more blogs on ventures in missions with Becca in Mozambique and India! 😉

From SA to Mozambique

9 Nov

Every day is a new adventure with the Lord. Walking with the Lord is never boring. My favorite part of this journey has been growing in deeper intimacy with Jesus. To be away from the distraction and busyness of life in America and to get alone with Daddy God…or as alone as possible when sharing a camp with 250 other people.. For the past few weeks I have been at a beautiful campground in the mountains of South Africa with the pioneering school that’s never been done. We’ve been sitting under amazing teaching and growing in fellowship with one another and the Lord. Each group had an opportunity to go out and be part of what God’s doing on outreach near the small poverty stricken country of Swaziland. The South African way of worship reminds me so much of the Haitian worship and it was there on outreach that I finally felt at home. We go on outreach in our color groups. My color group is grey and our color group joined another and we went through the streets and homes of the beautiful national people to pray for them and share the love of Jesus with them and invite them to the revival service in the evening. Jesus healed many from sickness and from pain and many were also delivered from demonic oppression. The services were very lively..I am coming home with new dance moves for sure! I love the freedom that they worship with…so undignified before the Lord. One of the pastors is pastor surprise and he has a church, and many church plants all over South Africa and other countries. He came from a family of witch doctors and heard the audible voice of God in the night as a young boy telling him to leave the village. He obeyed that voice and him and a friend left and went through the forest that night. Come to find out later that his family was poisoned the next day. Meanwhile God gave a man in a village in Mozambique a dream about these two boys he didn’t know before and was instructed where they’d be arriving and to take them in. Lo and behold this man was waiting for them, took them in, and they came to Jesus as Savior and the Lord called them to preach in Mozambique and South Africa and Jesus has done many miracles through him including the dead being raised and receiving I believe 17 different languages from the Holy Spirit supernaturally in order to speak to different tribes that needed the Gospel. Wow! What faith! Just think..the same power that conquered the grave lives in us and with faith as a mustard seed in Jesus we have that same power. Not to our glory but to His alone.
One challenge I thank you that you have prayed for is when a nasty flu virus swept through our camp and took out almost all of us in different waves. It lasted anywhere from 1-5 days with some lingering longer than that. The day I got it about 30 others also had it and we were blessed with amazing students with compassionate hearts and nursing degrees to take care of us. Many stayed behind from church and just prayed and interceded on our behalf. I’ve not felt the love of Jesus in this way that all were taking Care of each other in community. It was like the good Samaritan story playing over and over. We were quarantined and given a designated sick bathroom. It had been a long while since I had been that sick and could feel Jesus right beside me holding me and I could tangibly feel His healing touch take the nausea away. So thankful that Jesus is my permanent home, the One constant in my life.
As I write I am on a bus back to Jo’burg where I’ll stay overnight and fly tomorrow to Mozambique. This is the third leg of our nomad journey and we are getting ready to go from freezing to melting in one day! Don’t get me wrong it’s hot in SA too but it gets down to 40’s and 50’s as well and some days remind me of a cool fall day with the wind off lake superior. Pemba is supposed to be about 100 degrees or higher this time of year and the culture is much different. Praising Jesus for the Indian ocean!! Woo! Excited to dance with the Mozambicans and become a pool of sweat next to my 250 brothers and sisters for the next four weeks! I am unsure again about internet in Pemba but I hope to be able to connect once more before leaving for the last country. 🙂
Jesus has been doing so much in my heart including the purifying of the motives in my heart for missions. Only He deserves all the glory and praise. Only He is worthy. He is worthy of the high calling. It is Jesus and Him crucified that we preach. It is through Him that we are given life and life abundantly. If we are literally stripped of all we own will Jesus be enough? Jesus has asked me that question before and I am faced with it again and I am forced to look at my life and lay it all down again saying Lord have your way. I say yes to what YOU want and not what anyone else thinks would be a good idea. He has a unique path and destiny for each person and if we go by what others want us to do then we will never do what God has shown us. Yet in the laying down of our lives there is great joy because in Him we have everything and anything we need and if we look to Him we will always be satisfied. And with that He still blesses and gives because He is a giver in nature as well. I have come to realize that His plan is best…not plan b or c or d just in case His doesn’t work out. And so, although I cannot see the path in front of me very clearly I walk in faith…the assurance of things hoped for and conviction of things not seen. Faith and abandoned trust in the One who is Faithful and true. I am also allowing the Lord to romance my heart more than ever before. He is Father but He is also Bridegroom and He is a romantic lover. To dance with Him and spend time with Him by the river are some of my favorite places to be. Will you allow Him to romance your heart? Thanks for your continuing love and prayers. Pray we’ll adjust and transition smoothly over to Mozambique and have no troubles with visas or luggage. Bless you all in Jesus name!

life in africa part 2

19 Oct

Since it wont let me post all of my note on this phone…here is part 2:

Wow. It’s so good to be in His presence.

In Johannesburg we had outreach times once each week. All 250 of us went out and flooded Jo’burg with Jesus’ love and I went with 5 other groups to a township that lives in third world conditions with many African countries combined. Language was a barrier as there were probably well over 10 languages spoken in that township, but we were able to pray for people and love on some kids; play with them, give food, and give plenty of hugs and kisses. I experienced my first South African church today. It reminded me a little of Haitian churches. They blessed us greatly!! My heart is so full! I am unsure of what our outreaches will look like here but I know it’ll be amazing. Rolland Baker, one of founders of Iris Global is coming this week to teach. Very stoked to hear him! I’ll try best to keep you posted but it may be slim because of how much is going on! The first two weeks we had no plug ins and my phone had actually broke 5 mins before leaving from Minneapolis airport. All is now good with a south African phone. Sorry for the limited communication! Please continue to pray. Blessing to all back home I love you!

Life in Africa

19 Oct

South Africa has been a really great a dventure with the Lord and 250 of my newest friends and siblings in Jesus. I just arrived with everyone for the second leg of our journey in Nelspruit SA. It’s absolutely stunning. We are in the mountains and being very blessed with real toilets, chicken and veggies to go with our rice, and BEDS!!! Yes we are officially out of our tents and in dorms. It’s amazing. Not to mention the place we’re staying at is a Bible camp that has always prayed to be a camp to host people who are going to go into all the nations and we are their very first group! What an honor. In so many ways our harvest school number 21 are pioneers!

We are here for a few weeks before Mozambique. I am learning so much from all the other nations represented here and just in intimate times with the Lord. The worship here is probably the best part. It’s like a little taste of heaven on earth with 33 nations represented and the tangible presence of the living God in the atmosphere.

Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

2 Oct

It’s time. After months of preparation I am headed to Africa and India with Iris Global and WIM. With much eagerness I am currently unable to sleep and will be coveting your prayers for sleep and for this cold to be healed as I fly for a total of 17 or 18 hours. Whoa. I am headed across seas to places I’ve not yet tread. But I will not fear for the Lord goes with me! And He knows the paths of this earth. They are not unfamiliar to our Heavenly Father. He also knows the paths each of His children are to take and I’m so glad He shepherds us along the way. I am unsure of how much communication I will have but hope to keep you all informed as the journey progressess. First nomadic stop: Johannesburg!

Into the Great Unknown

7 Sep

I am so overwhelmed and blessed by love and support today. I just had an amazing lunch with some beautiful people that love Jesus! I seriously have the most amazing friends who have walked with me through so much these past couple years, and words can’t express my gratitude and love towards you all! It is just now beginning to sink in that I am leaving very soon for Africa and beyond, and will be leaving and missing pieces of my heart in Duluth and Superior. I have been so busy preparing to leave that I have felt disconnected to many of my friends and family during this season, and I know it’s probably less painful to do it this way, in order to ease out of living in the States…but that doesn’t mean I won’t be missing you all! You all carry a super special place in my heart, and that will never change, no matter the distance or time away.

Sometimes I feel as though I’m always packing and leaving for somewhere. Though this can be hard at times, there’s a lot of adventure, thrill, and excitement that comes with it! And I always picture Jesus as the Lion of Judah, coming alongside me as my best friend, love of my life, and unfailing Father. I know that He is leading me as the Gentle Shepherd. In Him I make my home, so that even though there’s no permanent home here on earth, I will never be lonely. I know that I am blessed beyond measure with the opportunity to meet so many brothers and sisters in Christ all around the world! In fact, in 3 weeks and 4 days I will be meeting over 200 people from all across the globe at Iris Global’s Harvest School of Missions, and being trained by Rolland and Heidi Baker, wow!

(Many) final preparations are being made, but please pray for my Indian visa, as I still have not been able to get the full information needed to send off my visa application, and it’s less than a month away! In this time, I am reflecting back on the wonderful memories, the valleys and the mountains of these past two years and I can honestly say I am so thankful for every bit of it.. Jesus has been giving treasures of darkness and the hoards in the secret places.

Isaiah 45:1-3 have been key verses since starting my journey towards a life of missions:

“Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus,
whose right hand I have grasped,
to subdue nations before him
and to loose the belts of kings,
to open doors before him
that gates may not be closed:
2 ‘I will go before you
and level the exalted places,
I will break in pieces the doors of bronze
and cut through the bars of iron,
3 I will give you the treasures of darkness
and the hoards in secret places,
that you may know that it is I, the Lord,
the God of Israel, who call you by your name.'”

I know that He is going before me, HE is leveling exalted places, HE is breaking doors of bronze, and opening gates that CANNOT be closed. HE is the one who calls me, who calls you, by name. We all have a God-given destiny to fulfill, and none of us will be satisfied in what we are doing unless what we are doing involves seeking first the Kingdom of God, and serving Him with eternal purposes in mind…whether it’s being a light through your job as a mechanic, teacher, engineer, plumber, or you’re called to full-time ministry.

So anyway, soon you will receive my most recent update via newsletter, but for those of you who don’t receive them, just a quick update with plans as far as Iris goes…I will actually be spending the first 6 weeks now in South Africa at two different Iris bases, which is right below Mozambique, and THEN will be moving onto Mozambique where I will spend the last 4 weeks. After graduating from Iris Harvest School, I will be going to minister in India for a few weeks with a small team of graduated Iris students!

I believe that this school is going to make a significant impact on my life, and if I had to guess, probably on the lives of all the students attending. Thanks again for partnering with me. I will do my best to stay in contact, though I do have to warn you that I’m not sure how often I will get internet!

Stay tuned to hear more! Your love and encouragement and prayers have been so key and wonderful during this time. Please continue to pray. There is a lot of spiritual warfare that I have experienced these past few months, and you and I both know our battle is NOT against flesh and blood but the powers and principalities of darkness. Praise God, Jesus conquered the grave, and died and rose again to destroy the works of the devil, and is victorious yesterday, today, and forever, hallelujah!

Some key prayer points:

– Health for the students and I, and leaders of Iris Harvest School (I have some current back and neck pain that could be difficult in tent-living situations)
– Safe and smooth travels–>especially in unknown airports that might not always speak english!
– My heart and spirit will be open for the Holy Spirit to pour in a deeper revelation of who Jesus is, and to glean off the words of life that will be spoken at the school!
– The lives of many will be greatly impacted for the Kingdom, including students, staff, and those being ministered to on outreaches to remote areas and the children we get to spend time loving on! Pray many will join the Kingdom of God, lives will be touched, healed (spiritually AND physically), delivered, and restored to Jesus!
– Unity of the 200-some students, as we are from many different cultures!

With faith, hope, and love, in Jesus,


Joy and Love in the Holy Spirit

27 Apr

“For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus….” Philippians 1:8. As Paul yearned to be with those he had invested in in partnership with the Gospel, I have yearned to be with my brothers and sisters in Lavaud, Haiti for a long time. In a lot of ways, Haiti is like my home, and the children at HOLD the Children Orphanage are like my own children, especially a few of them. I am blessed beyond measure to have spent time there a few weeks ago now, and am still in awe when I think about how miraculous it was. It was God’s plan all along. Thank you to those who prayed during the time I was there. These are some of the highlights from this trip:

1. Seeing Nerline and all the kids again! The first day we anxiously awaited the kids to come out of school for about an hour at the orphanage, and when they came pouring out, I searched for my girl, Nerline. She found me first, as I felt her sweet arms wrap around me, look up with her sweet smile, and put her hands up and say “pote’m,” which means, “carry me.” I picked her up and she rested her head against my shoulder, and tears of joy welled in my eyes! It was probably the sweetest moment of all. Even as I write this, I can’t help but tear up because of the amazing way God has allowed us to be connected, and now, in missing her greatly. She’s always been a very shy girl, and her older sister, Juliana, too. I truly see her as my own daughter, and being away is torture…but I must trust that even if we can’t be together right now, Abba Daddy has her and won’t forsake her. He loves her more than I could ever. I don’t know her full story, but I know parts of it, and those girls have been through a lot of hardship. Please pray with me, that if it be the Lord’s will, that I could adopt her and Juliana some day. I was able to talk to Nerline separate from the other kids on the second day, and explain to her how much I love her and wish she could be with me, how it’s very complicated why I can’t just take her with me, and why I can’t promise I’ll be back next year.I also was able to make sure that her little heart has trusted in Christ, explaining that’s the most important decision she could ever make. She says she has, and I’m trusting that the Lord has her! Isaiah 40:26 says “Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name, by the greatness of His might, and because He is strong in power not one is missing.” She’s not missing, He has her, He sees her, and He knows her name. She is not an orphan, she is adopted into the family of God! I had my friend and interpreter, Gabe, ask her if she understood after explaining everything, and she nodded ‘yes,’ and burst into tears. I knew she understood, and held her as she cried. I knew she understood that I might not be back for quite some time, but I don’t know if she understands the ‘why’ part…pray God would giver her young heart understanding and not grow bitter towards God.

2.The week went by in a flash, but we held kids, kissed tears, made bracelets and colored with them, jump-roped with them..and for the most part just watching their amazing skills at jump roping, and embarrassing ourselves trying to jump rope, sharing the Gospel and love of Jesus with them, playing ‘pase boul la’ (pass the ball), duck duck goose, encouraging them, and being blessed by their presence and love. Naturally, I end up spending more time with the girls, not purposely, but the boys usually hang out more with the men, and the girls, with the ladies, and one of the days, a group of the girls pulled me aside saying, “video, video!,” and proceeded to put together a 12-15 minute dance and song production, of which I only got about 7 1/2 minutes of, but it was really sweet and they have beautiful voices! Some sweet moments…Nerline is quiet, but when she speaks, I listen, and she told me that when I leave she is going to pray for me, she also played with my hair, and traded name tags with me on the last day, of which I keep in my journal. :’)

Here they are:

3. Mango Tree Church that was started last year, held under the mango tree of Rosena’s land, a 26-year-old sister in the Lord, was held again this year on Wednesday and Thursday, with my Papa, Ray, speaking, and holding a baptism for 2 sisters who were serious about their walk in the Lord. Praise the Lord, what a joyous time to share in! Rosena is getting married in May-pray all would be provided for her and her husband! Her and I formed a bond this year, of which was too short to invest a lot into, but am thankful for her heart for Jesus! She has a very sweet spirit about her.

4. Meeting with Justin, Tina, Ray, Kathy, Gina, Rich, Don and other new friends again, who came from Wisconsin, North Carolina, Tennessee, and other states. Justin, Tina, and Ray have been going longer than I have ,and am so blessed by these brothers and sisters in Jesus and love to serve alongside them. Their heart for Jesus, for Haiti and missions is incredible and I glean from them every year! Christina and I are often asked if we are sisters, and this year were asked if we were twins! We stuck together the whole week (literally and figuratively). And without their help in many ways, this year I wouldn’t have been able to go. Thank you!!

On Friday, the last day with the kids, I also talked to a small group of girls that I’d become close to, and that was difficult too because I knew they too understood and tears were shed.The last day and moments were bittersweet, thanking Jesus for the joy and blessing of having this time with them, but also sorrowful in leaving a big part of my heart there, and watching Nerline and others crying because they were having to let our team leave, knowing it will be a long time before they really see any of us again. These are kingdom-lasting relationships, and am believing the Lord will bring me back again one day. Until then, I press on towards the goal, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and direct my path.

With faith, hope, and love in Jesus,


Unexpected Miracles for an Unexpected Trip

29 Mar

So, I had it in my mind that I would not be going to Port-de-Paix, Haiti again on the one-week April trip with Mission Discovery I’ve gone on every year for the past four years. Months ago, I realized that I’d be raising full time support for the next step, and I just surrendered this trip to the Lord, knowing it would be difficult, yet willing to do anything to be in the Lord’s will and make the goal. However, I did pray, just a brief prayer, that God would provide funding miraculously if I am still to go this year, and left it at that–continuing to move forward with funding for Africa and Mexico.

I’ve been meeting with many wonderful people over the course of these past couple of months to share the vision of what the Lord is calling me to full-time, and God has provided many beautiful partnerships–some I’ve known forever, and some very new, but exciting relationships have formed! In this process, God had laid it upon someone’s heart to give a large amount to send me back to Haiti to see my kids again, and in particular, my sweet girl, Nerline again. Though it wasn’t the full amount, I believed it was an answer to that prayer prayed probably at the end of November or beginning of December. Through some small struggles and hurdles for the next couple of weeks with uncertainty of whether the funds would continue to come in miraculously, Just a few days ago, God provided another miracle of the entire trip fee being covered to go!

I then realized God is orchestrating this according to His perfect plan…but that’s not the end of God’s awesomely miraculous provision! I went to purchase the ticket with other unexpected funding that had come in through just a few people, but of course, nothing like last-minute miracles to show God’s glory–The ticket price had gone up, and decided to still purchase it, faith in believing if He’s calling, He’s going to bring it to completion! (Confession: Except I was actually doubting in my heart as I purchased it!). It was that very next morning God laid it upon someone to provide funding for me to go back to Haiti specifically. This person had NO idea I was about to go to Haiti, and covered more than enough! WOW!  I am continually amazed and in awe of His glory and control over all! His timing is perfect.

Every year I’ve always started raising funding for the week-long trip to HOLD the Children Orphanage in Haiti way in advance, and though it was always God’s will and He’s always provided more-than sufficient funds for me to go, I think He just wanted to show off His glory through last-minute provision! I hope this is an encouragement to you–depend on Him for all your needs, whether it’s funding for medical bills, or needing to jump through some seemingly-impossible hoops, HE is waiting to pour His provision on you for HIS glory! Don’t strive on your own–I tried that, and it didn’t work!!! (Though I know I’ll have to learn this lesson over and over again with my need to try to control things and struggles of doubt). Look back at His faithfulness to you in the past!

I believe it’s His will, or He wouldn’t have provided in the way that He did! After this trip, I am not going to be back to Haiti for only God knows (literally) how long. I have built Kingdom relationships with the kids at this orphanage in Haiti for the past four years, and I told them I’d be back this year. Though I know that it would’ve been OK if I didn’t go back even if I said I’d be back, I really believe this trip is an opportunity to explain to the kids in person where I’m going and why I won’t be back for awhile.

Orphans have people come in and out of their lives often, and I don’t like that I’ll end up being that person for an unknown length of time…but I know that ultimately they are God’s children, and He is taking care of them and will continue to. That is His burden, not mine. After spending that 4 years investing in these relationships, there is an eternal bond that has formed through the unity of the Spirit! It’s important for them to know God is their Abba Daddy and that even when people come and go, He will never leave. I can certainly empathize with Paul when he talks so many times of his longing to go back to certain churches and be with the people that he loves and be mutually encouraged. The ache that he feels is so real for me towards Haiti and those beautiful children. I am so filled with joy and gratefulness for this unexpected honor of going back, I can hardly contain the joy! The trip is April 6-12, leaving Sunday April 6th at 5:50am, and arriving back at 11pm April 12th!

Please pray with me for:

1. Wisdom on what to say to the kids, and when to say it (beginning, end, middle) Also, especially for my girl, Nerline, whom I have formed the closest bond to–never leaves my side, and I want to be a full-time mama too someday, be it God’s will.

2. NO SNOWY OR ICY WEATHER ON TRAVEL DAYS (April 5th/6th, and April 12th/13th!) Please Jesus, no snow!

3. Health for myself and our entire team of about 14-15 people from all over the country!

4. Kingdom work to be done according to His will, hearts would be led to Jesus, and unity of our team!



Nerline and I, April 2013


15 Mar

Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ to all!

Many of you already know, but for those who don’t, the next destination is Mozambique, Africa for a 3-month Harvest School of Missions with Iris Global that starts October 1, 2014. I am eager to learn and observe how the children’s homes are run, be immersed in a new culture, live with 12-14 people with same hearts from all over the world, and be brought to new places spiritually with Jesus. I am VERY excited to be under Rolland and Heidi Baker’s leadership too. From there, the plan is to join Andrew and Sheryl Conrad (senior trainers of World Indigenous Missions (WIM) missionaries) in Cuernavaca, Mexico for a year to two years, where I’ll be closely working with these two amazing people who love the Lord and serve them with all their hearts, souls, and minds. I will have an opportunity to minister in a children’s ministry in the time that I am there as well, which is such a blessing!

I am continually amazed each and every day as the goal and day draws closer to take-off, of God’s provision and amazing grace and mercy. Many times I feel weak and can be filled with doubt or disbelief as I meet with all of you amazing people! But God is my strength in weakness, He gives the words to speak, and it’s all to His glory for all that’s been provided financially and prayerfully! There have been moments this past week where I thought….”this is unbelievable. I can’t even fathom how He’s working this out.” And it’s true–to my human brain and self, the tasks ahead and the goal is impossible. But with God, all things ARE possible. It’s a christian cliche, but when you see God’s hand at work in a situation that seems impossible, it increases faith in the God of the impossible. Your (and my) weakness is a great place to be to see God Almighty come through–and not just come through, He opens wide the gates of heaven, where there is a limitless amount of love and grace and provision, and fills you to overflowing! “…and without God we can do nothing.” John 15.

“And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” Hebrews 11:6. Yet, even the faith we have is given from God as a gift-we must have faith in Him who has left nothing outside His control. I’m guilty of being faithless-I’ve doubted and questioned the Lord even in the midst of very fruitful things happening, and in this time specifically.. But He rewards those who seek Him in faith. That’s a promise. The unknown isn’t always a fun place to be, but the unknown is a place of surrender and building of faith in the God who knows better than you or I.

In His amazing grace and testimony of God’s provision, HE has provided up to this point $820.00 in monthly support, with a goal of $2,500.00 monthly! And around 30 committed prayer warriors have joined in partnership for the ministry God is calling me to. To God be all the glory, praise be to Him! Thank you to all who have prayed for me, who have given, who have been mentors and invested time and patience into me. He is so faithful. Thank you for your continued prayers on this journey of faith!

With faith, hope and love in Jesus,


Counting The Cost

23 Oct

Jesus gave His followers an extremely difficult choice to make: follow Him, forsake all that you know and live a life complete in Him, or follow the world, take the easy path, and find your fulfillment in treasures of the earth that will one day be destroyed or in people, who cannot save you and will inevitably let you down. We all know what will happen in the end if one chooses to follow the world, but why then would it be so difficult to choose the life of a disciple?

Luke 9:58 “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” Jesus told this to someone who said they’d follow Him wherever He goes—so you may wind up living from home to home, not ever settling down.

Luke 9:60 “Leave the dead to bury their own dead: But as for you, go and proclaim the Kingdom of God.” This Jesus replied to a man who said he’d follow Christ after he buried his father.  Jesus is like Hey, this guy’s already dead—you need to get the word out to those who haven’t heard!! Seems to make sense, but think if it were one of your close family members He was talking about.

Luke 9:62 “No one who puts His hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” This man said he would follow Christ, but first he felt the need to say farewell to his family. Wow, this one hits close to home personally.

He’s looking for people who will be sold-out for Christ—no matter the cost. If it means moving far away from family and other loved ones, would you do it? If it means not getting to be part of significant times in your friend’s and family’s lives, would you still go when and wherever He calls? What if it meant giving up a life of comfort and having to endure severe persecution in another country? What if it meant you’re not guaranteed to have food every day, or running water, or electricity?

I’ve had to ask myself some of the same questions as the Lord has started to shift my focus from life here in MN/WI, to working towards the goal of proclaiming the Kingdom of God to peoples in a faraway country (or countries) who have never heard. In the year and a half I’ve lived stateside, I’ve lived in 3 different homes, and am constantly moving from house to house, looking after friends’ and family’s pets and homes. Through these experiences, I’ve come to realize more and more that earth is NOT my home and I must not get comfortable here. I have an eternal inheritance which this life can never compare to. And, that this is just a shadow of what lies ahead on the mission field. It’s not always easy to never have a permanent place of residence you can call home.  I’ve thought also about leaving family, friends, my church, and putting getting married and starting a family aside. It also meant surrendering my desire of just where He wants to send me and when.  I’ll just say now, the next stop is not actually Haiti.

But you know what? None of that matters when I strip all I have away and just see Christ. I found the pearl with the most value in the field and am selling all that I have to obtain it. I’m going after it with all of my heart.  Jesus gave it all, and this life is bought with a great price. I am here for one purpose: to glorify the One who gave it all. And any time any of us choose to obey the Lord, we are glorifying Him! I’ve counted the cost, and even though I won’t even know all of what that entails until I get to the field and experience it, I know God’s grace will be sufficient in times when I feel like looking back after already putting my hand to the plow. God’s grace is sufficient for you, too, at all times!

So…are you wondering where I might be going next? Stay tuned for the next blog post to find out! 🙂

With faith, hope, and love in Jesus’ name,
