Archive | March, 2014

Unexpected Miracles for an Unexpected Trip

29 Mar

So, I had it in my mind that I would not be going to Port-de-Paix, Haiti again on the one-week April trip with Mission Discovery I’ve gone on every year for the past four years. Months ago, I realized that I’d be raising full time support for the next step, and I just surrendered this trip to the Lord, knowing it would be difficult, yet willing to do anything to be in the Lord’s will and make the goal. However, I did pray, just a brief prayer, that God would provide funding miraculously if I am still to go this year, and left it at that–continuing to move forward with funding for Africa and Mexico.

I’ve been meeting with many wonderful people over the course of these past couple of months to share the vision of what the Lord is calling me to full-time, and God has provided many beautiful partnerships–some I’ve known forever, and some very new, but exciting relationships have formed! In this process, God had laid it upon someone’s heart to give a large amount to send me back to Haiti to see my kids again, and in particular, my sweet girl, Nerline again. Though it wasn’t the full amount, I believed it was an answer to that prayer prayed probably at the end of November or beginning of December. Through some small struggles and hurdles for the next couple of weeks with uncertainty of whether the funds would continue to come in miraculously, Just a few days ago, God provided another miracle of the entire trip fee being covered to go!

I then realized God is orchestrating this according to His perfect plan…but that’s not the end of God’s awesomely miraculous provision! I went to purchase the ticket with other unexpected funding that had come in through just a few people, but of course, nothing like last-minute miracles to show God’s glory–The ticket price had gone up, and decided to still purchase it, faith in believing if He’s calling, He’s going to bring it to completion! (Confession: Except I was actually doubting in my heart as I purchased it!). It was that very next morning God laid it upon someone to provide funding for me to go back to Haiti specifically. This person had NO idea I was about to go to Haiti, and covered more than enough! WOW!  I am continually amazed and in awe of His glory and control over all! His timing is perfect.

Every year I’ve always started raising funding for the week-long trip to HOLD the Children Orphanage in Haiti way in advance, and though it was always God’s will and He’s always provided more-than sufficient funds for me to go, I think He just wanted to show off His glory through last-minute provision! I hope this is an encouragement to you–depend on Him for all your needs, whether it’s funding for medical bills, or needing to jump through some seemingly-impossible hoops, HE is waiting to pour His provision on you for HIS glory! Don’t strive on your own–I tried that, and it didn’t work!!! (Though I know I’ll have to learn this lesson over and over again with my need to try to control things and struggles of doubt). Look back at His faithfulness to you in the past!

I believe it’s His will, or He wouldn’t have provided in the way that He did! After this trip, I am not going to be back to Haiti for only God knows (literally) how long. I have built Kingdom relationships with the kids at this orphanage in Haiti for the past four years, and I told them I’d be back this year. Though I know that it would’ve been OK if I didn’t go back even if I said I’d be back, I really believe this trip is an opportunity to explain to the kids in person where I’m going and why I won’t be back for awhile.

Orphans have people come in and out of their lives often, and I don’t like that I’ll end up being that person for an unknown length of time…but I know that ultimately they are God’s children, and He is taking care of them and will continue to. That is His burden, not mine. After spending that 4 years investing in these relationships, there is an eternal bond that has formed through the unity of the Spirit! It’s important for them to know God is their Abba Daddy and that even when people come and go, He will never leave. I can certainly empathize with Paul when he talks so many times of his longing to go back to certain churches and be with the people that he loves and be mutually encouraged. The ache that he feels is so real for me towards Haiti and those beautiful children. I am so filled with joy and gratefulness for this unexpected honor of going back, I can hardly contain the joy! The trip is April 6-12, leaving Sunday April 6th at 5:50am, and arriving back at 11pm April 12th!

Please pray with me for:

1. Wisdom on what to say to the kids, and when to say it (beginning, end, middle) Also, especially for my girl, Nerline, whom I have formed the closest bond to–never leaves my side, and I want to be a full-time mama too someday, be it God’s will.

2. NO SNOWY OR ICY WEATHER ON TRAVEL DAYS (April 5th/6th, and April 12th/13th!) Please Jesus, no snow!

3. Health for myself and our entire team of about 14-15 people from all over the country!

4. Kingdom work to be done according to His will, hearts would be led to Jesus, and unity of our team!



Nerline and I, April 2013


15 Mar

Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ to all!

Many of you already know, but for those who don’t, the next destination is Mozambique, Africa for a 3-month Harvest School of Missions with Iris Global that starts October 1, 2014. I am eager to learn and observe how the children’s homes are run, be immersed in a new culture, live with 12-14 people with same hearts from all over the world, and be brought to new places spiritually with Jesus. I am VERY excited to be under Rolland and Heidi Baker’s leadership too. From there, the plan is to join Andrew and Sheryl Conrad (senior trainers of World Indigenous Missions (WIM) missionaries) in Cuernavaca, Mexico for a year to two years, where I’ll be closely working with these two amazing people who love the Lord and serve them with all their hearts, souls, and minds. I will have an opportunity to minister in a children’s ministry in the time that I am there as well, which is such a blessing!

I am continually amazed each and every day as the goal and day draws closer to take-off, of God’s provision and amazing grace and mercy. Many times I feel weak and can be filled with doubt or disbelief as I meet with all of you amazing people! But God is my strength in weakness, He gives the words to speak, and it’s all to His glory for all that’s been provided financially and prayerfully! There have been moments this past week where I thought….”this is unbelievable. I can’t even fathom how He’s working this out.” And it’s true–to my human brain and self, the tasks ahead and the goal is impossible. But with God, all things ARE possible. It’s a christian cliche, but when you see God’s hand at work in a situation that seems impossible, it increases faith in the God of the impossible. Your (and my) weakness is a great place to be to see God Almighty come through–and not just come through, He opens wide the gates of heaven, where there is a limitless amount of love and grace and provision, and fills you to overflowing! “…and without God we can do nothing.” John 15.

“And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” Hebrews 11:6. Yet, even the faith we have is given from God as a gift-we must have faith in Him who has left nothing outside His control. I’m guilty of being faithless-I’ve doubted and questioned the Lord even in the midst of very fruitful things happening, and in this time specifically.. But He rewards those who seek Him in faith. That’s a promise. The unknown isn’t always a fun place to be, but the unknown is a place of surrender and building of faith in the God who knows better than you or I.

In His amazing grace and testimony of God’s provision, HE has provided up to this point $820.00 in monthly support, with a goal of $2,500.00 monthly! And around 30 committed prayer warriors have joined in partnership for the ministry God is calling me to. To God be all the glory, praise be to Him! Thank you to all who have prayed for me, who have given, who have been mentors and invested time and patience into me. He is so faithful. Thank you for your continued prayers on this journey of faith!

With faith, hope and love in Jesus,
