Archive | February, 2012

First Trip to the Mountains

21 Feb

It’s so hard for me to keep track of everything that happens, but I know the highlight of the week was going up the mountains in Haiti to a place called Foret de Pin, one of the only forested areas left in Haiti. It was absolutely gorgeous. The entire way there my face was glued to God’s glorious creation…and then at one point I realized how close we were to the edge of the cliff and freaked out. I tried not to look down as much as possible from then on out. We went up to the mountain to see the new mission base that the Lord provided for this area. The people in the mountains are so sweet and welcoming. We got the chance to see the house and explore the area a little bit.
For the past month we have been learning The Way of the Master, and the Lord provided an opportunity while exploring Foret de Pin for my roommate, Kelsey and I to present the Gospel to a group of children who just got out of school, with our awesome translator (and also another student), Wisler. The whole group consisted of almost 20 kids, with a couple of adults who stopped to listen too. I could see the conviction from the Lord on some of their faces, and it was awesome to see them realize there was a solution to their sin problem and they responded with eagerness and joy! What a blessing and honor it is to be used of the Lord in that way, to see hearts turn from their sin and be saved! Afterwards there was a man that heard that we’d talked to those kids, and he didn’t know Jesus. He heard the Gospel presented by Zach and also responded—his wife was a Christian already, but he wasn’t! After the kids trusted in Christ, we got a list of their names and took lots of pictures. They followed us back to where the mission base was, and led them in some Kreyol songs that we (the Americans) have learned from our Haitian song leader, Wesly (and also a student). They told us not to forget them, and we told them that we have their names so we can be praying for them. There was one particular 12-year-old girl named Pierr-Roser who asked me to pray for her that she would do well in school. She had a joy and light to her face that was so contagious.
Kelsey and I also had our first experience going to the bathroom, Haitian style (AKA squatting in a forest/side of a mountain). Before I go on, let me just say that it seems that using the bathroom in foreign countries seems to be one of the top ten things missionaries like to talk about…so this is very normal. Anyways, the boys went on one side of the mountain, and we went on the other. I just remember walking back there, thinking, there’s got to be people on top of that mountain hiding, watching the white girls pee. Yes, we had toilet paper, don’t worry. All we could do was laugh the entire time. The second time was on the side of a mountain, and let’s just say it’s a lot easier to find a place to pee behind a bush as opposed to desert bushes (dust-covered sticks and rocks). Of course to the Haitians, it was perfectly normal. Good times for sure. I know you all sincerely appreciate this story.
On Sunday we visited a third orphanage that Kelsey had been to before and I got to teach on the story of Noah and give a Gospel presentation. Nobody responded, but the Word of God was being preached, and that is what matters most! Some of the students went over to Bobby’s orphanage (the one we went to the week before) and did a message later on that Sunday. I ended up with a cold and very slight fever because of lack of sleep, so I didn’t go to Bobby’s. We continue to learn so much, and my brain is so overloaded with awesome information! What to do with it all!? I continue to learn and grow in my personal walk with Christ, being stretched and challenged in all sorts of ways. I feel that the Lord has been testing me to see whether I will truly be obedient to Him in all things.
Some random new highlights and experiences of the week: tanning (burning) on top of the ministry school bus with the girls, American-Haitian water fight in our yard, getting to go on a moto (motorcycle) to the Haitian market, eating crepes for dinner and watching End of the Spear with stove-popped popcorn, and dancing and praising Jesus in the first real rain (downpour) in Haiti!
We are all now being considered Haitians instead of Americans by the Haitian students. We are even starting to talk like them. When we speak English, sometimes a Haitian accent comes out. Sometimes I forget how to speak English. It’s been said that culture shock is bound to kick in any time now—but that it’s different for each person. So far so good though. I am missing family and friends, but am completely content with where God has me and I wouldn’t trade this for the world. It is set now that I will get to stay until June 1st, and help out with the team WIM will be sending at the end of May! I will first go to WIM’s headquarters in TX to debrief, and then I will be headed home on June 2nd. But let’s not talk about leaving yet, it makes me sad!

Presence of the Lord

14 Feb

What an incredible week it has been. I can’t thank you all enough for your thoughts and prayers. The infection is just about gone—just a little more healing to go. Beni swa letenel! Praise the Lord! With a total of 9 shots and many antibiotics and pain killers, and most importantly, PRAYER, the Lord has brought healing and a growth in my heart of faith! The most important thing is that I know God has brought me here to bring HIM the most glory no matter what happens.
Aside from that, the school has been going so well. We have officially completed a whole month. It is unbelievable how fast it went!! We had a celebration today with lobster that Michael made (SO delicious) with rice and a buttery sauce. Yum. We spent a few hours at the orphanage too and Gabriel (one of the Haitian students) taught the kids from the Word as well as Zach (another student) taught them about creation. It’s so much fun getting to know each child and see their different personalities of how God created them. We ended the day with watching One Night with the King and eating stove-popped popcorn. 
This Sunday Michael spoke at a Sunday service with Gabe translating, and there were around 200 people in attendance! What an encouragement it was for them to see so many people worshiping the Lord in a building that didn’t even have a roof. It was covered with tarp. We had a chance to visit another orphanage this past week where the director had just passed away. There were many young kids, and it is not a Christian orphanage. The kids were of course, full of life, but it was sad to find out that they don’t have the Word of God there. After church we had the chance to go again and do a service for them. The Spirit of the Lord was moving in their hearts, and 6 were convicted and came forward to receive Christ as their Savior! Praise the Lord! This is just the start of something beautiful that the Lord is doing in the children’s lives at this orphanage. Zach and Gabe spoke and we will get to go every Sunday to do a service for them. This coming Sunday I’ll get the honor of doing a Bible story from one of the CEF lessons—I think on Noah! Pray for sufficient time to study and to be empowered by the Spirit, that God may receive all the glory!
We’ve been learning this week about being under the cover/protection of God’s authority and the authorities He has appointed on earth. We’ve been studying the book, Under Cover by John Bevere and going really in-depth in the Word.
Lastly, we learned about the gifts of the Spirit, and then had a great time of worship and prayer afterwards. The presence of God came in an amazing new way. It was an encounter for each of us that left us forever changed! Soon and very soon we will be stepping away from the classroom and heading out to do ministry! It’s hard to imagine all that God is going to do in the next three months, but I am ready and willing to let Him have His way. One more thing-I have an opportunity to stay longer because of a short-term team that WIM wants to bring in at the end of May!! This would mean I won’t be home until around June 1st or 2nd! Excited that the Lord is providing this opportunity.

I Will Praise You in the Storm!

4 Feb

Bonswa tout moun (Good afternoon everyone)!
It’s been an intense week of Bible study and my brain is just about to explode, but with soooo much good stuff! We’ve been learning about God’s glory and how He not only expects us to live for Him, but He also lives for Himself…and how many times we think we’re living for Him and glorifying His Name, but oftentimes it comes out in our actions as being about us and our comforts. For example, looking in the Bible just for verses you like and looking for applications only for yourself (not what God gets out of it), and skipping over the ones that you’d rather not have to obey. Wow, talk about conviction! We also learned a few ways of how we can live to glorify Him, by delighting in Him, depending completely on Him for absolutely everything (even the stuff we’re experienced with and think we know all there is to it), and bringing His Name to the Nations. We’ve also been going through the history of the church, which will continue for the next few weeks. 
No time at the orphanage this week, which is ok because we’ve all really just needed some rest and time to take in everything we’re learning. Wednesday we painted a part of Mike and Andrea’s new house, and that was a lot of fun.
Of course, most of you know about the little (BIG) infection on my knee that happened Wednesday night, in the middle of the night. It’s the strangest thing because it was healing up fine up until that very hour. Thursday all day was the worst of it, with fever and all. Friday morning I went to the doctor and received 2 shots, 2 antibiotics, and a pain killer. (there are pictures on facebook if you want to see it) I’m going back on Monday morning for more (gulp) shots. All the guys seem to like to joke around about cutting my leg off with a machete as a solution (sigh). ..but really they’ve all been amazing taking care of me—my roommates have been awesome and my Haitian friend, Wesly also has been. He took me to the doctor and helped me all the way through it. Praising the Lord that the fever is gone and I can walk much better on the infected leg. There’s a reason for everything, and in the end God will get the glory out of this situation, and is getting the glory. He is the sustainer and my strength and He will never leave me!