Archive | April, 2014

Joy and Love in the Holy Spirit

27 Apr

“For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus….” Philippians 1:8. As Paul yearned to be with those he had invested in in partnership with the Gospel, I have yearned to be with my brothers and sisters in Lavaud, Haiti for a long time. In a lot of ways, Haiti is like my home, and the children at HOLD the Children Orphanage are like my own children, especially a few of them. I am blessed beyond measure to have spent time there a few weeks ago now, and am still in awe when I think about how miraculous it was. It was God’s plan all along. Thank you to those who prayed during the time I was there. These are some of the highlights from this trip:

1. Seeing Nerline and all the kids again! The first day we anxiously awaited the kids to come out of school for about an hour at the orphanage, and when they came pouring out, I searched for my girl, Nerline. She found me first, as I felt her sweet arms wrap around me, look up with her sweet smile, and put her hands up and say “pote’m,” which means, “carry me.” I picked her up and she rested her head against my shoulder, and tears of joy welled in my eyes! It was probably the sweetest moment of all. Even as I write this, I can’t help but tear up because of the amazing way God has allowed us to be connected, and now, in missing her greatly. She’s always been a very shy girl, and her older sister, Juliana, too. I truly see her as my own daughter, and being away is torture…but I must trust that even if we can’t be together right now, Abba Daddy has her and won’t forsake her. He loves her more than I could ever. I don’t know her full story, but I know parts of it, and those girls have been through a lot of hardship. Please pray with me, that if it be the Lord’s will, that I could adopt her and Juliana some day. I was able to talk to Nerline separate from the other kids on the second day, and explain to her how much I love her and wish she could be with me, how it’s very complicated why I can’t just take her with me, and why I can’t promise I’ll be back next year.I also was able to make sure that her little heart has trusted in Christ, explaining that’s the most important decision she could ever make. She says she has, and I’m trusting that the Lord has her! Isaiah 40:26 says “Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name, by the greatness of His might, and because He is strong in power not one is missing.” She’s not missing, He has her, He sees her, and He knows her name. She is not an orphan, she is adopted into the family of God! I had my friend and interpreter, Gabe, ask her if she understood after explaining everything, and she nodded ‘yes,’ and burst into tears. I knew she understood, and held her as she cried. I knew she understood that I might not be back for quite some time, but I don’t know if she understands the ‘why’ part…pray God would giver her young heart understanding and not grow bitter towards God.

2.The week went by in a flash, but we held kids, kissed tears, made bracelets and colored with them, jump-roped with them..and for the most part just watching their amazing skills at jump roping, and embarrassing ourselves trying to jump rope, sharing the Gospel and love of Jesus with them, playing ‘pase boul la’ (pass the ball), duck duck goose, encouraging them, and being blessed by their presence and love. Naturally, I end up spending more time with the girls, not purposely, but the boys usually hang out more with the men, and the girls, with the ladies, and one of the days, a group of the girls pulled me aside saying, “video, video!,” and proceeded to put together a 12-15 minute dance and song production, of which I only got about 7 1/2 minutes of, but it was really sweet and they have beautiful voices! Some sweet moments…Nerline is quiet, but when she speaks, I listen, and she told me that when I leave she is going to pray for me, she also played with my hair, and traded name tags with me on the last day, of which I keep in my journal. :’)

Here they are:

3. Mango Tree Church that was started last year, held under the mango tree of Rosena’s land, a 26-year-old sister in the Lord, was held again this year on Wednesday and Thursday, with my Papa, Ray, speaking, and holding a baptism for 2 sisters who were serious about their walk in the Lord. Praise the Lord, what a joyous time to share in! Rosena is getting married in May-pray all would be provided for her and her husband! Her and I formed a bond this year, of which was too short to invest a lot into, but am thankful for her heart for Jesus! She has a very sweet spirit about her.

4. Meeting with Justin, Tina, Ray, Kathy, Gina, Rich, Don and other new friends again, who came from Wisconsin, North Carolina, Tennessee, and other states. Justin, Tina, and Ray have been going longer than I have ,and am so blessed by these brothers and sisters in Jesus and love to serve alongside them. Their heart for Jesus, for Haiti and missions is incredible and I glean from them every year! Christina and I are often asked if we are sisters, and this year were asked if we were twins! We stuck together the whole week (literally and figuratively). And without their help in many ways, this year I wouldn’t have been able to go. Thank you!!

On Friday, the last day with the kids, I also talked to a small group of girls that I’d become close to, and that was difficult too because I knew they too understood and tears were shed.The last day and moments were bittersweet, thanking Jesus for the joy and blessing of having this time with them, but also sorrowful in leaving a big part of my heart there, and watching Nerline and others crying because they were having to let our team leave, knowing it will be a long time before they really see any of us again. These are kingdom-lasting relationships, and am believing the Lord will bring me back again one day. Until then, I press on towards the goal, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and direct my path.

With faith, hope, and love in Jesus,
